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GTARant - July 30, 2024

Red Dead Redemption 2 Features That Need to Be in GTA 6

" To make GTA 6 exceptional, Rockstar should integrate features from Red Dead Redemption 2: lively NPC interactions with humor, realistic gore contrast, and a sophisticated dynamic weather system. These enhancements would enrich the game’s neon-lit Vice City setting, offering a deeper and more immersive experience for players."

Red Dead Redemption 2 Features That Need to Be in GTA 6

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the next big thing after Rockstar’s release of GTA 5. Red Dead Redemption 2 has a completely different storyline, featuring a country-themed game. For those who love Clint Eastwood-type movies, this game is heavily inspired by his films.

Talking about the graphics of Red Dead Redemption 2, they are far more amazing than those of other GTA and Red Dead series games. It's been six years since its release, but it still feels fresh with gameplay and game mechanics that never get old. This is the first cowboy-themed game released by Rockstar Games, and it is one of Rockstar's most famous cowboy-titled video games.

Fans have speculated that some features of Red Dead Redemption 2 are pretty amazing and believe these features should be added to the most anticipated video game of all time developed by Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6). Here are some features that should be added to GTA 6 according to GTA fans.

NPC Greeting and Humor Settings

Red Dead Redemption 2 has great settings regarding NPCs. There is humor in the NPC interactions, where NPCs talk to the protagonist Arthur Morgan with witty and amusing remarks. Additionally, NPCs get angry when the protagonist provokes them and respond accordingly. This feature will add depth to the game's settings.

Red Dead Redemption 2 NPCS

Realistic Gore Contrast

GTA has not updated some graphic details in violence, such as headshots, punching, kicking, and other combat skills. However, in the Red Dead series, Rockstar has done an impressive job by creating realistic gore contrast. They have detailed the graphics according to the type of gun used heavy guns result in more intense graphic details, while smaller guns show less detail. This is an impressive aspect of their settings.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gore

Dynamic Weather Settings

GTA 5 did not do well with its dynamic weather system, so you won’t find impressive weather details in the game compared to Red Dead Redemption 2, which features detailed weather settings, GTA 5 lacks depth in this area. While Red Dead 2 includes foggy weather and muddy locations with impressive detail for rain and thunderstorms, GTA 5’s weather effects are not as well-developed.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dynamic Weather


Although there are many details and game settings that should be added to GTA 6, these are the key features that could make the game outstanding. Since the game is set in a neon-lit, Miami Vice-inspired (Vice City) environment and in Florida, which is wilder compared to other states in the USA, these enhancements would be particularly fitting.

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